Janae Sherman - St. George Midwife
Mobile: 435.669.5358
email - janae.midwife@gmail.com
More women are learning about and experiencing the benefits of a Drug Free birth. Discover why these woman chose to birth naturally and read about their experiences.
You Need To Know...
A natural home birth is safe. It's true! Women are most likely to labor best in a place where they feel free, safe, and private, with attendants whom they know and trust.

Look at the studies. Educate yourself. You might be surprised to find that, on average, a midwife assisted natural birth may result in less chance of complication, fewer interventions, and a healthier birth for you and your baby.
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Free Community Classes
"Education is more than a luxury; it is a responsibility that society owes to itself."
~ Robin Cook

Join us the first Wednesday evening (7-8 p.m) of every month for a FREE class which covers your natural birth options, and other pregnancy & childbirth related topics as well as the sharing of birth experiences by local mothers who have recently had their babies.

These discussion are FREE and open to the public. Husbands welcomed and encouraged to come. Classes will be held at The Birth Sweet, 375 E Tabernacle. St George UT.
2016 Class Schedule:
  • January 6th - Planning and preparing for your birth

  • February 3rd - The natural birth advantage/natural birth options

  • March 2nd - How to have the fastest and easiest birth possible

  • April 6th- Father's Role

  • May 4th - Emergency Childbirth/ How to catch: Please see new location above. We WILL NOT be at the library any more.

  • June 1st - Pain Management

  • July 6th - NO CLASS

  • August 3rd - Have a healthy baby

  • September 7th - Postpartum/recovery/newborn procedures

  • October 5th - Peer pressure and the fear factor

  • November 2nd -Birth Movie

  • December 7th -Benefits of chiropractoc care in pregnancy. John Sorenson, Chiropractor. Class will be at his office: 47 N 100 E. Advanced Care Chiropractic